Thursday, April 01, 2010

Last night I had a good sleep, for the first(or maybe the second?) time in a month. Whew.
I'm no longer plagued by mathematics as I try(in vain) to fall asleep. Why? Because holidays is here. No more late nights for me.

Of course I'm still going to study maths even if it's holidays, but this time it's because I want to, not because I need to.
Wrapping my head around holomorphic functions, product spaces, algebraic graph theory etc is so much more fun when I do not have a friggin' deadline.
Sometimes it felt like a gun was pressed up against my temples....heh.

Then again, would I really have it any other way? I've heard that mathematicians are like addicts...indeed being without maths sometimes cause me to be unsettled.
Ah each his own. And for me, a blissful sleep tonight.

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