1 komen Monday, August 24, 2009


Firman Allah Ta’ala:

"Dan di antara manusia (ada) orang yang membeli lahw hadis (perkataan
yang tidak berguna) untuk menyesatkan (manusia) dari jalan Allah tanpa ilmu dan menjadikan jalan Allah itu olok-olokan, mereka itu akan memperoleh azab yang menghinakan." (QS. Luqman: 6)

Ibnu Mas’ud menerangkan bahawa "lahw hadis" itu adalah al ghina’(nyanyian).
(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir)


Dari Abi ‘Amir --Abu Malik-- Al Asy’ari, dari Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam beliau bersabda:

"Sungguh akan ada di kalangan umatku suatu kaum yang menganggap halalnya zina, sutera, khamr, dan alat-alat muzik(Al-Ma'azif) … ."
(HR. Bukhari 10/51/5590-Fath)

0 komen Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tiba2 rasa nk buat summer scholarship. My reasons are twofold.

Firstly I could really use the money(kalau x buat pn xde duit nk bli tiket balik)

Secondly reading up on green's function has made me interested in operator theory again.
Not that I'm any good at it, functional analysis = fail for me....I wonder why.

0 komen

Hari ni hari kamis.
Demam melanda, feels like the my root canaled tooth is giving me issues.
x larat nk pegi dentist(actually x larat nk bayar)

District 9 cambes, tp fever = stay at home

0 komen Sunday, January 18, 2009

So far I've been barking up the wrong tree.
Forgot that I was dealing with convergence structures
Been trying some MVT for topological spaces, but in vain...mainly because I was supposed to be doing something else
Especially since using that would mean characterizing diff by continuity is dependent on the topology(not what we want)

Still have no idea how to interpret results from complex analysis in terms of convergence spaces, there wasn't really any undergraduate course for that *sigh*
Open Mapping Theorem anyone?
My lack of mastery over functional analysis shows itself clearly now
Neither it nor topology is my cup of tea

Oh well, lack of concentration does things to a man
Why am I writing this here?
Because anything I pen this down on will quickly become scribbling paper
Really hoping that I get some results tomoz, otherwise I'll have to lose sleep over this